The question always came down to, are these fiduciary numbers that investment managers charged with keeping money for widows and orphans rely on, or are they just inside baseball for the industry to squabble over and not all that important? That question has never been answered. 问题最终归结为,这些预测数据到底是那些为孤儿寡母理财的投资经理们进行投资决策的依据,还是只是行业内部自说自话的产物,根本无足轻重?这个问题一直没有答案。
Other institutional investors in Asia have typically viewed responsible investing as a European or US approach, and instead focus on their fiduciary responsibility to meet the investment objectives that match their liabilities. 亚洲其它机构投资者一般将负责任的投资视为欧美策略,因此只关注于自己的受托责任,以实现符合其义务的投资目标。
The mutual fund, as an important part of the securities market, is facing the same issue which is mainly demonstrated in the illegal interested party transaction against the fiduciary obligation of the fund manager or investment adviser. 作为证券市场重要组成部分的证券投资基金也同样面临相同问题,在这方面突出表现为基金管理人利用其所处的特殊地位,违反其诚信忠实义务而与利害关系人进行不法交易。
New financing channels are required in real estate. Fiduciary 、 investment fund and bond have been gradually replacing traditional bank loan. 房地产业需要新的融资渠道,如信托、基金、债券等取代传统的银行贷款融资模式。
Reference to the fund laws of foreign countries, fund supervisors should be endued with the fiduciary duties, which were the necessities of effectively restricting the behaviors of fund supervisors and protecting the investment equities. 考察世界各国投资基金法律制度,证券投资基金管理人都被赋予信赖义务,这是有效约束基金管理人行为和保护投资者权益的必然要求。
On Fiduciary Obligations of Investment Banks& In view of punishments against Top Ten Wall St. Firms A Probe into the Civil Obligations of the Initiators after the Establishment of a Corporation Limited 投资银行诚信法律责任简析&以华尔街十大投资银行被罚为线索股份有限责任公司成立后发起人民事责任探讨
Comparative Study on Fiduciary Obligations of Investment Banks 投资银行诚信责任比较研究
Firstly, the author discusses the implication of the fiduciary duty from the Common Law System and the Civil Law System and proposes the two aspects of the fiduciary duty of the security investment manager to make a confession of comparative 笔者首先从英美法系和大陆法系两方面对信赖义务的内涵作了探讨,并提出证券投资基金管理人信赖义务的两个方面,为信赖义务在
This part makes theoretical analysis of legal regulation of conflict of interest of funds from the law-economics approach, the focus of which is upon the establishment of fiduciary duty and the regulation of conflict of interest in securities investment funds. 本章以法律经济学等方法对基金利益冲突法律规制进行了理论分析,重点是信赖义务的确立与基金利益冲突的规制。